Why Would My Brother Use My Phone Number to Open a Bank Account?

Wassup…My brother recently opened a bank account at the same bank I use and accidentally used my phone number for the account. He informed me that I would receive a verification code so he could log in. I told him I didn’t want him using my phone number and plan to call the bank to resolve it.

I’m concerned about why he used my phone number instead of his own. Can he do anything fraudulent with just my phone number? What potential risks should I be aware of, and what steps should I take to protect myself? :thinking:

Don’t ever share the same mobile number between bank accounts for different people - joint accounts excepted. It will cause problems and all accounts sharing that number will be considered linked, so in the event your brother gets into trouble, both his and your account might be closed.
Your brother needs to use his mobile number for his bank account.


Also entirely possible it’s not your brother. Either way, NEVER give out your 2FA unless you’re ready to give away the whole account now and in the future

He probably can’t do much with your phone, but I would go to a branch in person, talk to a manager, and make sure your number is taken off of all accounts that aren’t yours and that he hasn’t mixed his account with yours in some way. Linked accounts can be dangerous since they may be the beginning of a larger scheme if he gave you access or some other security measure. Make sure the bank knows that you do not wish to have access to any of his accounts and that you do not want your phone number to be utilized in any manner on any of his accounts.

Is this for real?? Should I contact by bank to let them know my accounts are not linked to my sisters? Is that even possible? I am in the same dillema, my baby sister used mine to open an account and I never gave it much thought coz I didn’t know the repercussions. Can her bank change the details on her account? I need my number out of her doings please. I can’t risk.