Endorsement Canceled

United Airlines sent me a check for lost luggage. It says JP Morgan NY on it. When I went to cash it, the teller said the check couldn’t be cashed at the branch level. :bank: He stamped it with “Endorsement Canceled JP Morgan Chase Bank” and advised me to deposit it into my bank. :atm:

Is the check still valid, or do I need to call United for a new one? :thinking:

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I had a similar situation! :briefcase::airplane: The check’s still good. Just deposit it in your bank, and it’ll be fine. No need to call United. :wink: I did this once, and it worked out perfectly :star2:

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If the check says “Endorsement Canceled,” it’s still valid but needs to be deposited into your account rather than cashed. The bank teller’s stamp just means you can’t cash it directly there. Try depositing it into your bank account—if it bounces or you have issues, then give United Airlines a call for a replacemen

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