Can a bank use information stored in the system to reinstate an account that was closed voluntarily?

Long story short, I had a bank account for a relative’s estate opened in 2016 and closed in 2018. A payment needs to be processed into the estate, but I can’t find the EIN. I’ve tried contacting the previous attorney’s office, the court, and the IRS, but they say it could take 30 days or more to update their records.

Does anyone know if Bank of America might be able to look up a previous account or account holder? I have the social security number and all other relevant info.

Banks usually can’t reopen a closed account, no matter what. You can ask to open a new account, but you’ll need all the right paperwork, including the TIN and up-to-date estate documents.

I was hoping they could just reopen it with a few clicks or a call to the estate department since they might still have the EIN and wouldn’t need it from me. Oh well.